We have had an amazing month!

#StoriesAndSeptember was designed to feature purposeful women who are making a difference in the world, with their businesses.  Over the last few weeks, we have read stories of women who have courageously walked the path of faith, purpose and entrepreneurship. Today we will be sharing the thoughts of another incredible woman.



You are not alone!
God’s got you.-3


Let’s meet you

I am Omozino Eguh a human capital development specialist with 7 years combined experience working in education, career guidance, counselling psychology and tech product development.  An Alumni of Covenant University, Pan-Atlantic University (EDC), 25 under 25 Nigeria  award recipient for education and leading the team at Yudimy a human capital development company that focus  on career & talent management psychology. 

My first business was as a student (undergraduate) in university. I spotted a need with students getting Indomie Onion Flavor Noodles to cook on campus. It was a big deal in 2009 because people loved that particular brand but the supply to the school’s stores were limited  so I started an Indomie line that supplied just onion Indomie to people. Lol…People will come from different hostels to buy indomie from me. My roommate and I had a blast with sales! We made 5,000 – 8,000 Naira weekly and we would spend the extra after reinvestment on a nice treat of peppered rice at the Covenant University cafeteria. Good times. 

My second business introduced me to social entrepreneurship as always I had spotted another problem. Students in my department were having issues learning and studying while I was having it so easy. I found that the issues wasn’t because I was more intelligent  but it was that many people didn’t understand their learning style. I had learnt early that I was  social learner so Instead of stressing myself i just organize after class group discussions as my study approach and I would be fine.  But not many people knew or had that information so I wrote a book about it it was called ‘Yes I can.’  I shared my own experiences and also research on how people can know their own leaning style and create study habits around that style. 

I just wanted to meet a need and was tired of seeing people failing and that single goal led to a book that was just written for my department to spread across campus. In a year plus we had sold 2000 copies of that book. 

But the most amazing was seeing the ripple effect of people just knowing their learning style improving their academic performance y large margins. Amazing. Whoosh I’ve come a long way and I am super grateful for the journey. 




What’s the story behind your business? 

It all began in a school, it was my first contact with how deadly and chaotic talent mismatch is. High school students who where intelligent were failing because they were placed in the wrong class. 

This occurrences became more consistent in places I worked. The wrong people in the wrong roles chaos, poor productivity etc. I realized that many people couldn’t do better because their self-awareness is low, the educational system is focused on the wrong metrics for talent development and a host of other things. 

Talent mistmatch does not only has a negative ripple effect on businesses but also on the society  at large even to governance. 

This is why Yudimy started. Yudimy is a human capital development company that uses psychology and tech to help children, adults and organizations find the best career/talent fit in lesser time with a 97%accuracy. 


Yudimy Logo

What’s the connection between your faith and your dreams in becoming a successful, inspiring entrepreneur?

Before now I would take this lightly because instead of looking for God, I looked at people and I was taught how really limited we are. It took me a while to understand that an infinite God saved me.

I used to think intelligence was all that was needed till intelligence failed me. I also believed in handwork till it failed as well but in the midst of that, God showed me a better way through Jesus Christ  and now my intelligence isn’t not just accelerated but my work is counting now. 

This wasn’t easy I had to erase a lot of things and strategies I had learnt from some of the best learning institutions to follow God’s way for my business and it’s indeed leading to peace of mind. Which is rare in our time. 


What will you say to your younger self and by extension, every other young girl dreaming big dream with all you know today? 


Life is journey embrace it and know that the process to the destination is valuable than the destination.  Take it easy don’t grow up too fast. 


Who is your greatest inspiration and why?

For me, it is Jesus Christ.
It wasn’t always him but in recent times I began to study the bible and see it for what is really is no glamorous message. This man had leadership qualities, he created distribution channels, he solved problems from the root and his solutions were everlasting irreversible  is compassion his depth. In fact, the more I study, the more I realize that he has been grossly misrepresented by religious practices. 

What do you do daily that brings you closer to your big goals?

I spend less time talking and just getting down to working my career/business journey. If I need to talk, I talk i spend that time with people in line with the goals. It sounds harsh but my darling to make the most of the time you have in this century you have to focus and there are just so many distractions and noise that make you focus on fluffy things instead of substance.

My morning devotions and to do list are also most helpful

Do you have a personal watch word or watch words? Kindly share with us.

Sweat the little things in your locus of control- Your attitude, work ethic, your  character, how you treat people, perseverance, your conscience. These things are intangible but speak for you when you’re not in the room. You can fix those things 

Final words

Keep it simple, the best values and solutions to problems are simple  







About Yudimy

Yudimy is an organization that uses psychological profiling to help people, families and organisations discover who they are, minimize errors and make informed decisions. With our tools customers are able to gain career clarity, become effective parents, and hire candidates that fit their organisations culture. 

contact- ask@yudimy.com
+234 817 6100 160

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