Bk Coverby: Boluwatife Michael


BOOK TITLE:  Maximizing your potential

AUTHOR: Dr. Myles Munroe

Book Overview 

In Maximizing your potential, motivational speaker and educator Dr. Myles Munroe, takes us on a journey of ten chapters that categorically address ‘need to know’ facts about becoming your potential.  Often times we have an idea of who we are meant to be in life and what we’re meant to do with our lives but we only have a rudimentary understanding of how to be it. The first few pages of the book capture your attention by making you realize that the real limit to living out your potential is most times self-imposed. Across the ten chapters of this book, Dr. Myles explicitly explains  the need to maximize your potential, how to guard and protect your potential, cultivating, and feeding your potential amongst others.

In one of the chapters, Dr. Myles explains that the only way you will release all your potential is to leave your success and go create another. He also opens our minds to understanding how fundamental God is in becoming all we were created to be, not to mention his highly captivating quotes that will indeed pierce through the soul. Reading this book made me understand that there is the abundance of talents, abilities, and capabilities given to every individual and it has become our responsibility to make use of them for our benefit and for the benefit of others because this is the highest measure of fulfillment and satisfaction that we can ever attain.

Favourite Quote


The greatest threat to being all you could be is satisfied with who you are.


God created all people to be originals, but we continue to be copies of others. Too often we are so preoccupied with trying to fit in that we never stand out.


We cannot become what we were born to be by remaining what we are. Don’t be a pigeon if you were born to be an eagle.


He who fears to try will never know what he could have done. He who fears God has nothing else to fear. To maximize your life, you must neutralize fear with faith.


The foundation key for releasing potential is always a relationship with the source or maker of a product. You must have an encounter with the one who made you if you want to become who you were created to be.


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