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Hey Diva,

2019 is wrapping up.
Do you feel you achieved all your goals?
Before you jump off setting goals for 2020; I want you to take a pause to evaluate your 2019. How did things really go?

I am not saying you should be filled with regrets. I just want you to see why some things didn’t work out and you need to be honest with yourself.

In the past few years of consciously setting goals for the new year, I have seen first hand why some of my goals remain wishful thinkings.

I will share one very important one-

Setting unrealistic goals.

This doesn’t mean the goals are impossible, however, we often set these goals without considering ourselves. Are you capable of being stretched that much? Find a balance between being ambitious and setting yourself up for failure.

As you prepare for 2020, be considerate of yourself when you set goals. You will be the one left to execute the goals. Be kind to yourself. You will be better for it.

Find the right balance and be a better version of yourself.

I love you always.

One thought on “Be considerate… of you.

  1. Damisinuola

    Great booster, I’d need to be considerate of myself and be sure to do well to reach my goals including those I couldn’t meet up with this year!

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